ear Lathisms Family,
Thanks to your financial support and the phenomenal work of our Lathisms Scholarship Co-Chairs Daniel Cruz and Vanessa Sun, we are now ready to share that we have officially opened the application portal for the: 2023 Lathisms Scholarship!

Lathisms Newsletter
January 2023 Issue
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Directors' Message
Dear Lathisms Family,
Thanks to your financial support and the phenomenal work of our Lathisms Scholarship Co-Chairs Daniel Cruz and Vanessa Sun, we are now ready to share that we have officially opened the application portal for the: 2023 Lathisms Scholarship!
Description: This scholarship aims to support Hispanic/Latinx students interested in pursuing a career focused in the mathematical sciences; such career paths include, but are not limited to, scientific research, mathematics education, engineering, and finance. We will be awarding 2-3 scholarships of up to $500 (each) in our first year, aimed at prospective and current undergraduate/graduate students.
The Lathisms Scholarship is meant to help with costs that pose a barrier to the success and advancement of the awardee in their pursuit of a career in the mathematical sciences. This could include, for example, college and/or graduate school application fees, conference funding, childcare costs, and/or tuition.
Eligibility: Applicants must
- be Latinx/Hispanic (self-identified);
- be interested in pursuing a career in the mathematical sciences; and
- be high school juniors/seniors, high school graduates, current/prospective college students, or current/prospective graduate students. Please note that individuals who have obtained a GED (General Education Development) certificate from a program in the United States are also eligible.
We especially encourage undocumented individuals, TPS beneficiaries, and DACA recipients to apply. We also encourage community college, Pell Grant eligible, first-generation, and low-income students to apply as well. We will use discretion in announcing the awardees and may not publicly reveal the identities of the awardees if privacy is of significant concern.
Deadline: March 15th.
Full scholarship details along with the application can be found here and we encourage you to share the scholarship information with others!
We are still looking for volunteers to serve on the scholarship selection committee. In particular, we encourage the following individuals to volunteer: graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, research scientists, industry & academic professionals, and faculty from Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), 4-year colleges/universities, and/or liberal arts colleges. Note that no prior experience serving on such a committee is required. We understand that your time is valuable; we currently anticipate a time commitment of 15-25 hours, depending on the number of applications that we receive. The work will involve reviewing applications over the course of March to April 2023 and meeting virtually 3 to 4 times with other committee members. If you are interested or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at volunteers@lathisms.org.
Salud y saludos from the Lathisms Board of Directors!
Pamela E. Harris, President
Ryan Moruzzi, Jr, Treasurer
Leyda Almodóvar Velázquez, Clerk
Sofía Martínez Alberga
Rosaura Uscanga Lomeli
Vanessa Rivera Quiñones
Mathematics REU: San Diego State University
San Diego State University is pleased to invite applications to its Summer 2023 Mathematics Research Experiences for Undergraduates. The program dates this year will be June 11 - August 5. Their project, with several sub-projects, will be in number theory (nonunique factorization).
If you are a professor, please announce this to any interested and qualified undergraduates. The program will pay a stipend of $4000 and provide room and partial board for participants.
The application deadline is March 3.
Central States Math
Undergraduate Research 2023
The Central States Math Undergraduate Research conference is a joint project of the Departments of Mathematics of Kansas State University, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, and Truman State University.
The event has support for approximately 10 undergraduate speakers. Talks will be 15 minutes, with 5 minutes for questions, each. The conference will take place on the Kansas State University campus in Manhattan, KS, February 24-25, 2023 (Friday afternoon and Saturday).
Featured Speakers:
Moira Chass, Stony Brook University
Kyndra Middleton, Howard University
The KSU Math Club and Pi Mu Epsilon chapters assist in the organization of the meeting.
In addition to the talks by undergraduates, they plan to have a panel on graduate school, a panel on semester and summer-long off-campus programs (REUs, MASS, Moscow, Budapest, NSF Graduate Fellowship), and time set aside to interact with visiting graduate directors and graduate students from universities in the region.
To register, please email them if you wish to give a talk. Include the name of your school and have a recommendation letter sent to the same email address.
Inquiries or registration: E-mail cesmur@math.ksu.edu.
If you wish to give a talk, include an abstract of about 1/4 of a page. Funding through a grant from the National Science Foundation is available to help defray participants' travel and lodging expenses. Priority will be given to students presenting talks.
It is their hope to achieve a fair representation of women, minorities, and first-generation college students. They particularly encourage female and minority students to participate in CeSMUR 2023.
There will be no registration fee and they will negotiate special rates at nearby hotels. They will post on the conference's website once lodging is available. They ask students to share rooms in order to be able to benefit the largest number of students with travel and lodging assistance.
Laney Graduate School
Summer Opportunity for Academic Research
The LGS-SOAR Program (May 30-August 4) partners with the well-established Emory College SURE (Summer Undergraduate Research Experience) Program and will host potential LGS students (current NON-Emory undergraduate scholars) who want to explore, experience, and conduct full-time independent and mentored research for the summer.
The program is unique in that all scholars will be from historically underrepresented ethnic and racial backgrounds in graduate education or who participated in NIH-RISE, NIH-IMSD, Mellon Mays, McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program, OR who are first-generation college scholars who participated in Upward Bound, Talent Search, Educational Opportunities Centers, or similar programs.
LGS-SOAR will be offered both on-campus and virtually. Financial support may be provided by either LGS or the home institution of the student. For scholars participating on-campus, housing is also included. All LGS-SOAR scholars will adhere to all health, safety, conduct, and housing policies and procedures outlined by the university. Details about the on-campus and virtual programs may be found on their website.
The program is geared to introduce talented, potential Laney Graduate School Scholars to a vast skillset that includes:
- Communicating research to a variety of audiences
- Problem-solving
- Interpreting results
- Participating in novel research
- Navigating difficult ethical situations
- Network building
- Presenting their work (Symposium Style Capstone Experience)
Applicants must be on track to graduate between December 2023 and June 2026 and have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
A complete application will include items such as a transcript, statement of purpose, application form, letter of support, and more. For more information, applicants may visit their website. Questions about applications? See the application instructions PDF.
Application deadline is January 18, 2023 at 11:59 pm EST.
Questions? Contact Associate Dean Amanda Marie James at laney.edge@emory.edu.
CPM Outstanding Dissertation in Mathematics Education Award
CPM Educational Program is a California nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to improving grades 6-12 mathematics curriculum and instruction. Therefore, one of the goals of CPM is to support research on problem-based mathematics learning, as well as on the strengths and limitations of particular designs for professional learning around instruction aimed toward such learning. To this end, CPM offers award opportunities to fund educational research that will contribute to the understanding of how to improve mathematics teaching and learning in grades 6-12 in the United States. These awards support research that builds theory, develops methodological tools, and establishes knowledge around four key features of secondary mathematics education: curricular materials, teaching, learning, and/or professional learning.
Submission Deadline: February 1, 2023, at 11:59 pm PST
Stipend: $30,000
Award Duration: 1 Year
Applicant Qualifications: Students enrolled full-time in doctoral programs who are in good academic standing and will advance to candidacy before the award year(s) begin.
Please send questions to research@cpm.orgLearn MoreApply here
IMSI Communications Bootcamps
IMSI offers several free communication bootcamps to help early career researchers develop their skills. The bootcamps are designed to build skills that enhance individuals’ ability to realize their broader communication goals. When participants complete all three bootcamps, they qualify for recognition of their work through a LinkedIn Badge.The three bootcamps are the following:
Storytelling & Narrative Structure
Storytelling isn’t just for fiction writers. In order to write a successful grant application or a compelling teaching statement, you must leverage narrative structure that pulls the reader along. This workshop teaches the scientific literature on why narratives are so compelling for the human brain, and includes hands-on activities developing narrative structure.
Tuesday, January 17, 2023, 13:30-16:00 CST (in person)
Thursday, February 9, 2023, 16:00-18:30 CST (online)
How to Write for a General Audience
Have you ever wondered how a scientific paper is picked up and covered in news outlets like The New York Times or the Washington Post? This workshop teaches attendees about the process of how journal articles are translated into press releases and how those releases are picked up and made into news stories. Attendees learn to evaluate what makes a scientific finding newsworthy and practice recognizing and replacing jargon to improve the readability of their own work.
Tuesday, January 24, 2023, 13:30-16:00 CST (in person)
Thursday, February 16, 2023, 16:00-18:30 CST (online)
Job Talks & Stage Presence
No matter how exciting a researcher’s work is or how well they’ve rehearsed their slides for a talk, stage presence is key. Knowing how to use the surrounding space, how to recover from a mistake, and how to project vocally so that even those in the back of the room can hear are key to a successful talk. This workshop develops attendees’ presentation skills, so they’re comfortable during their next presentation.
Tuesday, January 31, 2023, 13:30-16:00 CST (in person)
Thursday, February 23, 2023, 16:00-18:30 CST (online)Learn More/Register
Summer Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics Accelerator
The Summer Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics Accelerator (SUMSA) is an eight week mathematics and statistics bootcamp for undergraduates which will take place June 12-August 4, 2023. The program’s aim is to help prepare students for the rigors of graduate school through lecture series and problem sessions taught by experienced postdocs and advanced graduate students from the University of Chicago. It will cover core material in linear algebra, advanced calculus, metric spaces, probability, statistical modeling, and data science.This program is open to students who will be rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors at U.S. colleges and universities and will be at least 18 years old at the time the program begins.Applications are due by February 17, 2023.Learn More/Application
IMSI Interdisciplinary Research Cluster
IMSI encourages past participants to propose an Interdisciplinary Research Cluster (IRC). IRCs bring small groups of researchers together at IMSI to collaborate on a nascent but promising project within the scope of IMSI themes. IMSI will provide seed funding to advance such projects. Selected projects will be eligible for additional strategic support to target external funding opportunities to develop further.Proposals for IRCs can be sent to the Director at director@imsi.institute. Proposals should describe the participants, the project, and the financial and infrastructure needs of the project.Learn More
Conferences and Lectures
Graduate Research Workshop in Combinatorics (GRWC)
The Graduate Research Workshop in Combinatorics (GRWC) will run from July 23-August 4 in Laramie, WY, hosted by the University of Wyoming.Current graduate students (including those who graduate in 2023) and postdocs are eligible to participate.Travel/housing support is provided by the workshop thanks to generous funding. They also have some limited funding for international participants.Applications for the workshop are now being accepted and for full consideration need to be received by March 3rd. Prior participants in the workshop can reapply.Any questions can be sent to combinatoricsworkshop@gmail.com.Learn More
Underrepresented Students in Topology and Algebra Research Symposium
The 11th annual USTARS (Underrepresented Students in Topology and Algebra Research Symposium) will be held March 18th-19th, 2023 at the University of Washington. USTARS seeks to broaden participation in the mathematical sciences by cultivating research and mentoring networks. The primary mission of USTARS is to showcase excellent research by graduate students underrepresented in mathematics, but the conference is open to all people interested in the topological and algebraic fields. The symposium includes a variety of sessions, such as parallel graduate student speaker sessions, a poster session for graduate and undergraduate students, and a mentoring discussion panel. This year, the faculty speaker is Dr. Noelle Sawyer from Southwestern University.Funding is available for eligible presenters, and graduate student applicants may submit a summary of their research topic in order to be considered for the distinguished graduate student lecture.Reach out to ustars.organizers@gmail.com with any questions.Learn More
Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference (GSCG)
The Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference (GSCC) is an annual combinatorics conference organized for graduate students by graduate students. The 2023 GSCC will be held in person on March 17-19, 2023, at Washington University in St. Louis.Registration is now open for graduate student speakers and participants!NSF travel funds are available for graduate students, although the deadline for funding consideration is approaching and total funding is limited.The important dates and information are below.- Priority deadline for funding: January 21st- Deadline to register to give a talk: January 21st- Abstracts due: February 17th- General registration deadline: March 1stThe conference includes plenary talks from our three invited speakers:- David Galvin, University of Notre Dame;- Megumi Harada, McMaster University; and- Pamela E. Harris, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee,as well as a collection of ~20-minute research talks from graduate students who register to give a talk.Learn MoreRegister here
Other Opportunities
MAA NREUP: Grant to Host an REU
Faculty can apply for a grant to host a research experiences for undergraduates program at your campus this summer!The MAA NREUP helps faculty recruit and mentor undergraduate research students from underrepresented groups. Over the course of at least 7 weeks in the summer, students will have the opportunity to intensively learn about a particular research topic, complete an open-ended research project, gain valuable real-world skills, while working closely with a faculty member. Students will also receive a stipend.The NREUP aims to:• Create opportunities for deep and meaningful undergraduate research.• Build faculty capacity and develop a workforce that can support and mentor all students.• Create a sense of belonging and community.While students cannot apply directly for the grant program, they can discuss this opportunity with their mathematical faculty to see if they would be interested and willing to lead an NREUP.Faculty should apply byFebruary 1.Learn More
AWM- Math for America
Student Essay Contest
To increase awareness of women’s ongoing contributions to the mathematical sciences, the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) and Math for America co-sponsor an essay contest for biographies of contemporary women mathematicians and statisticians in academic, industrial, and government careers. The essays will be based primarily on an interview with a woman currently working in or retired from a mathematical sciences career.
This contest is open to students in the following categories: Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, and College Undergraduate. At least one winning submission will be chosen from each category. Winners will receive a prize, and their essays will be published online on the AWM website. Additionally, a Grand Prize winner will have their submission published in the AWM Newsletter.
The deadline for entries is 11:59pm EST on February 1, 2023.
Please see the contest rules. A valid submission will contain the following information:
1) A biographical essay, based primarily on an interview, of approximately 500-1000 words in length, on a woman currently working in or retired from a mathematical career. Please do not include your name or contact information anywhere in this essay.
2) A short (approximately 100-word) biographical sketch of the student contestant. This biographical sketch can be written in the first person and should include the student's name, grade level, school, and mathematical interests.
3) Information about the student: the student's name, the address of the student (or parent), and the phone number and/or email address of the student (or parent).
4) Information about the subject of the biography: name, employer, email address, and (optionally) phone number.
Undergraduate Knowledge of the Mathematics Graduate School Application Process
The NSF-funded project Undergraduate Knowledge of the Mathematics Graduate School Application Process (Knowledge-GAP, NSF Award # 2126018) is now recruiting undergraduate participants. This project will study how undergraduate student knowledge about the graduate school application and admissions processes may act as a barrier to earning advanced degrees in mathematics. Mathematics majors (ideally in their 3rd or 4th year) will complete a Knowledge-GAP survey which will ask about their knowledge of and interest in applying to graduate school in mathematics.The project aims to answer several broad research questions:1) What percentage of undergraduate mathematics majors are interested in going to graduate school in mathematics? What do undergraduate mathematics majors know about the graduate school application process?2) What features of mathematics departments and universities contribute to undergraduate knowledge about graduate mathematics programs and their application process?3) Do mathematics majors have access to the resources needed to apply to graduate mathematics programs?4) Do knowledge of the graduate school application process and access to application resources differ by socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and gender of the students?Interested undergraduate students and faculty with access to mathematics majors list servers or who teach classes for mathematics majors please reach out to the Principal Investigator, Tim McEldowney, via his email: tim.mceldowney@mail.wvu.edu.Learn More
Café con Leche Event!
Join us January 27th at 3pm ET for an exciting talk with Dr. Angel Pineada. Watch his lecture on our youtube channel and then talk with Dr. Bencomo live at our event.

Watch Dr. Angel Pineada's LectureRegister for the Event
Other Information
Information about Our Book
Testimonios: Stories of Latinx and Hispanic Mathematicians
Edited by Pamela E. Harris, Alicia Prieto-Langarica, Vanessa Rivera Quiñones, Luis Sordo Vieira, Rosaura Uscanga, and Andrés R. Vindas Meléndez is a co-publication of the AMS and Mathematical Association of America.
Testimonios brings together first-person narratives from the vibrant, diverse, and complex Latinx and Hispanic mathematical community. Starting with childhood and family, the authors recount their own individual stories, highlighting their upbringing, education, and career paths. Their particular stories, told in their own voices, from their own perspectives, give visibility to some of the experiences of Latinx/Hispanic mathematicians. Testimonios seeks to inspire the next generation of Latinx and Hispanic mathematicians by featuring the stories of people like them, holding a mirror up to our own community. It also aims to provide a window for mathematicians (and aspiring mathematicians) from all ethnicities, with the hope of inspiring a better understanding of the diversity of the mathematical community.