Alicia Dickenstein was born in Argentina, where she completed her Ph.D. She is full professor at the University of Buenos Aires. She held visiting positions in different institutions in France, Sweden, Italy, China, Brazil and the US. Dickenstein received the TWAS Prize in Mathematics in 2015. Besides her research work, she wrote math books for children, and she has been engaged in many different synergistic activities at the local, national, and international levels. Dickenstein currently serves as one of the vice-presidents of the International Mathematical Union, and she is a member of the Council of the American Mathematical Society.
Alicia Dickenstein research area is algebraic geometry and its applications. In particular, she is interested in toric geometry, hypergeometric functions, duality, sparse elimination theory, tropical geometry, polynomial system solving, and algebraic methods for the study of biochemical reaction networks, a subject about which she is passionate.
“I am proud of being a Latin American mathematician, and I hope that all mathematicians, independently of their origin, can find the means to develop their capabilities.”
-Alicia Dickenstein